Froot Loops
One night at a hotel bar I turned to my partner and said “what if the spot was a bunch of stoners having an existential conversation about Froot Loops?” And so that’s what we took to Kellogg’s. And that’s what they bought.
This campaign was our wildly successful approach at bringing Toucan Sam into the real world and focusing on cereal nostalgia for adults and kids alike.
People looking to hide from the wrath of our messaging on YouTube were greeted with :06 bumpers that played before, during, or after popular music videos, movie and video game trailers, and fashion tutorials.
Based on the success of “Frooty Musings” my partner and I wrote a spot for new Wild Berry Froot Loops. It started as a joke, namely “how are berries different from WILD berries.” And then we were in Mexico on a shoot.
The voices of the berries? Me and Jason.