Slate Made It
I have a lot of projects. Here’s a few of my faves.
I found my old high school license plate while digging through a box of junk (it’s a Courtney Love reference). I used it as the jumping off point for the MRY Art Show.
I acquired a crapload of driftwood and made lamps, mirrors, picture frames and sculptures. Insert wood pun here.
I made conceptual "Terror-ariums" for the MRY Art Show out of hair, petrified animals, dead bugs, plants and human teeth. They scared some people.
I taught myself to knit and made scarves, then hats, then baby blankets, then adult blankets. I'm turning into my mother.
I came up with the idea to create iSL8...the world's first creative to have an iPhone app instead of an online portfolio. I spent a month learning how to write and code iPhone apps and submitted it to Apple. I was going to change the world.
They rejected it.